The Founding of ATU Local 752:
In 1917, after an almost 20
years of effort, streetcar workers successfully formed Local 752 of the
Amalgamated Association of Street and Electric Railway Workers. The
streetcar system, the Bloomington & Normal Railway & Light Company, was
owned by U.S. Congressman William B. McKinley, who controlled over 60
mid-western trolley systems, including the Illinois Traction System
interurban railroad. These companies would eventually become the
Illinois Power Company.
The streetcar workers had struck in 1902, winning some improvements, but
their union was defeated in 1904 after a six month strike. In 1917 they
were working nine-and-one-half hour days, seven days a week, at $1.75
per day. At a midnight meeting that April the workers formed local 752.
The company immediately fired all 13 meeting participants.
On April 28 the workers called a strike, despite a company offer of a 20
percent pay increase. The company refused to negotiate; Mayor Jones
refused a request to mediate. 51 of 200 employees stayed on the job,
still operating the trolleys, while the Trades & Labor Assembly
organized a boycott. The company stationed armed guards on the
streetcars, whose main activity was chasing children who threw rocks at
the cars.
On June 10 the company won a court injunction forbidding picketing,
boycott effort, button and leaflet distribution or congregation by
supporters at the corners where trolleys stopped. Illinois Federation of
Labor President addressed a June 11 rally and the company's 20
powerhouse workers walked out in sympathy that night (Matejka).*
1952 - First female Driver for
Bloomington-Normal City Lines.
Picture and article (from
The Pantagraph).
We, the
Amalgamated Transit Union, this day and date assembled in Convention, in
order to secure and defend our rights, advance our interests as workers,
create an authority whose seal shall constitute a certificate of
character, intelligence and skill, build up an organization where all
working members of our craft can participate in the discussion of those
practical problems upon the solution of which depends our welfare and
prosperity, to encourage the principle and practice of conciliation and
arbitration in the settlement of all differences between labor and
capital, establish order and harmony, promote the general cause of
humanity and brotherly and sisterly love, and secure the blessings of
friendship, equality and truth, do ordain and establish this
Constitution and these Laws for the government of said International