Chartered in 1917, the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 752
are the
men & women who as Motor-Coach Operators, Transit Mechanics &
Service People, safely transport the community of Bloomington/Normal,
Dedication, as well as high skill at their trades, are the defining characteristics of the Local.
Fused under one International banner, the ATU, the group strives to
provide a safe & friendly atmosphere for the public to travel, as well as
enter into solidarity to support their fellow union brothers & sisters
to maintain acceptable working conditions, wages & workers' rights.
A message to Members of Local 752:
Brothers and Sisters of Local 752 - welcome to our website! Please take a minute to sign-up for ATU Local 752 Private Facebook Group, so that you can access the entire website. Contact our Webmaster (Thom Larson) with any questions.